34 research outputs found

    Gigantinis piktybinis filoidinis krūties navikas: klinikinio atvejo aprašymas ir literatūros apžvalga

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    IntroductionPhyllodes tumors of the breast are rare and account for less than 1% of breast tumors. They occur over a wide age range with a median age of 45 years. Malignant transformation of a phyllodes tumor is a rare form of breast cancer accounting for just 0.5% of all breast cancers. A simple mastectomy is performed for giant phyllodes tumors (>10 cm), those that are multifocal, in cases of malignant phyllodes tumors, in cases of recurrence or in phyllodes of ‘borderline’ histologyCase reportWe report a rare case of a rapidly growing malignant giant phyllodes tumor of the young, 26 year-old white woman, who underwent successful combined treatment nipple-sparing mastectomy and irradiation in National Cancer Institute, Vilnius, LithuaniaConclusionsMultidisciplinary approach and modern imaging studies allows us to diagnose and successfully treat this rare pathological state. Scientific trials to delineate proper indications for combined treatment malignant phyllodes tumor of the young patients are needed.ĮvadasKrūties filoidiniai navikai yra reta patologinė būklė, sudaranti mažiau negu 1 % krūties navikų. Filoidiniai navikai pasitaiko įvairaus amžiaus moterims, amžiaus vidurkis yra 45 metai. Filoidinių navikų malignizacija pasitaiko retai ir sudaro 0,5 % visų krūties navikų. Paprastoji mastektomija rekomenduojama esant gigantiniams filoidiniams navikams (>10 cm), navikų daugiažidiniškumui, ligos atsinaujinimui ir histologiškai patvirtintam paribiniam filoidiniam navikui.Klinikinis atvejisAprašome retą piktybinio filoidinio naviko atvejį 26 metų moteriai, kuri sėkmingai gydyta Nacionaliniame vėžio institute Vilniuje, derinant spenelį tausojančią mastektomiją ir aktinoterapiją.IšvadosDaugiadalykis atvejo aptarimas ir modernūs tyrimo metodai leidžia diagnozuoti ir sėkmingai gydyti šią retą patologiją. Reikalingi tolesni piktybiniais filoidiniais navikais sergančių jaunų pacienčių moksliniai tyrimai, naujos sudėtinio gydymo indikacijos ir gydymo standartai.

    Su spinduliniu gydymu susijusi angiosarkoma po krūties vėžio gydymo: klinikinio atvejo aprašymas ir literatūros apžvalga

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    IntroductionAngiosarcoma after breast cancer conservative treatment is extremely rare pathology and its early diagnostic is complicated. Due to rarity of this patology, there is still no standard approach for treatment. The aim of this article is to present a clinical case of radiation-associated angiosarcoma (RAAS) after breast cancer conservative treatment and review the latest literature sources.Case reportThis case report presents 66-year-old white postmenopausal women diagnosed with left breast cancer stage I (pT1cN0M0). Breast preserving operation was performed and patient received adjuvant radiotherapy (50 Gy). After 5 years of the follow-up, RAAS of the irradiated left breast was diagnosed. The clinical features of this rare occurrence of RAAS are presented and possible treatment options are discussed. Treatment of patient was performed in National Cancer Institute.ConclussionsEarly diagnostic, multidisciplinary approach, aggressive R0 surgical treatment and additional doses of radiotherapy – allows us to more successfully treat this rare pathological state. Scientific trials to delineate proper indications for RAAS treatment of the breast are needed.ĮžangaStraipsnio tikslas – aprašyti retą klinikinį su spinduliniu gydymu susijusį angiosarkomos atvejį po krūties tausojančios operacijos ir spindulinio vėžio gydymo, taip pat apžvelgti naujausius literatūros šaltinius.Klinikinis atvejisStraipsnyje aprašomas klinikinis 66 metų moters atvejis. Jai buvo diagnozuotas kairės krūties I stadijos vėžys (pT1cN0M0).2011 metais atlikta krūtį tausojanti operacija ir taikytas pooperacinės radioterapijos kursas (50 Gy). 2016 metais, po 5 metų nuo pirminio kairės krūties vėžio sudėtinio gydymo, šioje krūtyje nustatyta su spinduliniu gydymu susijusi angiosarkoma.Mes aptariame šios retos angiosarkomos klinikinį atvejį ir galimus gydymo metodus. Ligonė buvo gydoma Nacionaliniame vėžio institute.IšvadosAnkstyva diagnostika, daugiadalykis aptarimas, agresyvus R0 chirurginis gydymas ir adjuvantinio spindulinio gydymo dozės leidžia sėkmingiau gydyti šia retą patologinę būklę. Reikalingi papildomi moksliniai tyrimai, kurie padėtų nustatyti su spinduliniu gydymu susijusios angiosarkomos gydymo indikacijas.

    Oligometastazinis krūties vėžys: klinikinio atvejo aprašymas ir literatūros apžvalga

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    IntroductionOligometastatic breast disease is a potentially curable state of distant cancer spread, but there is still no standard approach for treatment. The aim of this article is to present a clinical case of oligometastatic breast cancer and short data of the latest literature sources.Case reportThis case report presents 58 years old postmenopausal women diagnosed with oligometastatic breast carcinoma who underwent a successful simultaneous nipple-sparing mastectomy with sentinel node biopsy and right upper lobectomy in National Cancer Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania.ConclusionsMultidisciplinary approach and modern imaging studies allows us to diagnose and successfully treat this rare pathological state. Scientific trials to delineate proper indications for oligometastatic breast disease are neededĮvadasOligometastazinis krūties vėžys yra potencialiai pagydoma būklė, kuriai yra būdingas ribotas metastazinis išplitimas, tačiau iki šiol nėra gydymo standartų. Straipsnio tikslas – aprašyti retą oligometastazinio krūties vėžio atvejį, apžvelgti naujausius literatūros šaltinius ir įvertinti problemos aktualumą.Klinikinis atvejisStraipsnyje aprašomas 58 metų moters klinikinis atvejis – postmenopauzės laikotarpiu jai buvo diagnozuotas oligometastazinis krūties vėžys. Ligonė buvo gydyta chirurginiu būdu Nacionaliniame vėžio institute Vilniuje.IšvadosModerni radiologinė diagnostika ir daugiadalykės komandos darbas sudaro galimybes sėkmingai diagnozuoti ir gydyti šią retą onkologinę patologiją. Ateityje reikalingi moksliniai tyrimai oligometastazinio krūties vėžio gydymui standartizuoti

    Nepiktybinių krūties navikų diagnostika ir gydymas

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    Algirdas Jackevičius, Valerijus Ostapenko, Saulius Bružas, Algimantas Mudėnas, Jonas Sabonis, Michailas AizenasVilniaus universiteto Onkologijos institutas,Santariškių g. 1, LT-08660 VilniusEl paštas: [email protected] Tikslas Pateikti sergančiųjų nepiktybiniais krūties navikais klinikinius duomenis. Aprašyti šių darinių diagnostiką ir gydymą. Ligoniai ir metodai Vilniaus universiteto Onkologijos instituto Krūtų ligų ir onkologijos skyriuje nuo 2000 iki 2004 metų gydėsi 1058 ligonės, kurioms buvo diagnozuoti nepiktybiniai krūtų navikai. Dažniausiai (1002 atvejai) ligonėms buvo diagnozuotos fibroadenomos. Dėl šių darinių morfologinių ypatumų ir augimo vietos išskiriamos kelios fibroadenomų formos: intrakanikulinė (98 atvejai), perikanikulinė (121 atvejis), juvenilinė (6 atvejai). Kiti krūties nepiktybiniai navikai buvo randami daug rečiau: papilomos nustatytos 23 ligonėms, filodiniai navikai – 7, lejomioma – 6 ir atipinė lipoma – 6 ligonėms. Kiti dariniai diagnozuoti 14 ligonių: latakų adenoma (1), latakų papiloma (2), mucininė papiloma (2), intraduktalinė papiloma (1), plokščialąstelinė epitelioma (1), plokščialąstelinė papilomatozė (3), papilinė adenoma (2), trichilemoma (1), fibroma (1). Rezultatai Vidutinio ir vyresnio amžiaus moteris, turinčias fibroadenomą, būtina tirti morfologiškai prieš operaciją ir skubos tvarka operacijos metu. Kvalifikuotas histologo pašalinto darinio tyrimas padės klinicistui atpažinti atipiškai augantį krūties naviką. Iš kitų krūties nepiktybinių navikų tenka išskirti papilomas ir filodinius navikus. Jie gali supiktybėti ar atsinaujinti. Tai ypač būdinga krūties filodiniam navikui, kuris neretai pažeidžia visą krūtį. Išvados Vidutinio ir vyresnio amžiaus moteris, turinčias fibroadenomą primenančius darinius, būtina tirti morfologiškai prieš operaciją, o operacijos metu skubos tvarka atlikti histologinį pašalinto darinio tyrimą. Operuojant ligones, sergančias filodiniais navikais, patartina skubos tvarka histologiškai tirti pašalintą darinį ir žaizdos kraštus, kad išvengtume naviko recidyvo. Ligones, operuotas nuo papilomų ir filodinių navikų, patariama stebėti po operacijos – tikrinti krūtis instrumentiniais metodais (ultragarsiniu tyrimu, mamografija). Reikšminiai žodžiai: nepiktybiniai krūties navikai, diagnozė, gydymas Diagnostics and treatment of benign tumours of breast Algirdas Jackevičius, Valerijus Ostapenko, Saulius Bružas, Algimantas Mudėnas, Jonas Sabonis, Michailas AizenasInstitute of Oncology Vilnius UniversitySantariškių str.1, LT-08660 Vilnius, LithuaniaE-mail: [email protected] Objective Analysis of data on patients with benign tumours of breast. Diagnosis and treatment of these tumors. Patients and methods At the Department of Breast Diseases and Oncology of Institute of Oncology of Vilnius University, from 2000 till 2004 1058 patients with benign tumours of breast were treated. Fibroadenoma was the most common tumour among these tumours (1002 cases). According to localisation and morphological peculiarities, fibroadenomas had some forms: intracanicular fibroadenoma – 98 cases, pericanicular fibroadenoma – 121, juvenile fibroadenoma – 6. Other benign tumours of breast were detected rarely: papillomas in 23 cases, phyllodes – 7, leiomyoma – 6 and atypical lipoma – 6. There were 14 cases of other benign tumours: ductal adenoma 1, ductal papilloma 1, mucinal papilloma – 2, intraductal papilloma – 1, epithelioma planocellulare 1, papillomatosis planocellulare 3, papillary adenoma 2, trichilemoma 1, fibroma 1. Results Middle-aged and older women with fibroadenomas must be investigated morphologically before surgery and during operation. Investigation by an experienced pathologist helps to the clinician to diagnose atypical carcinomas of breast. Among other benign tumours of breast, important were papillomas and phyllodes. There was in some cases malignisation of these tumours. The recurrence of phyllodes tumours of breast is possible. Conclusions Middle-aged and older women with fibroadenomas must be investigated morphologically before surgery and during operation. To reduce the recurrence of tumour in patients with phyllodes tumours, it is necessary during operation to investigate histologically the tumour and the margins of wounds. The patients with papillomas and phyllodes tumours treated surgically must be followed up to make an instrumental investigation of breast (sonography, mammography). Key words: benign tumours of breast, diagnosis, treatmen

    Krūtį tausojančios operacijos ir kombinuotojo gydymo rezultatai

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    Valerijus Ostapenko1, Saulius Bružas1, Algimantas Mudėnas1, Jonas Sabonis1, Algirdas Jackevičius1, Juozas Kurtinaitis1, Anatolijus Ostapenko2, Narimantas Evaldas Samalavičius1, Laima Bloznelytė-Plėšnienė1 1 Vilniaus universiteto Onkologijos institutas, Santariškių g. 1, LT-08661 Vilnius2 Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakultetas, Čiurlionio g. 21, LT-03101 VilniusEl. paštas: [email protected] TikslasKrūtį tausojančios operacijos (KTO) pastaruoju metu yra pripažintas krūties vėžio gydymas, kuriam chirurgija teikia pirmumą. Krūtį tausojančių operacijų skaičius didėja industrinėse pasaulio šalyse, taip pat ir Lietuvoje. Šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti Vilniaus universiteto Onkologijos instituto (VUOI) KTO kombinuotojo gydymo rezultatus. Ligoniai ir metodaiDarbe atliekama retrospektyvi 349 pacienčių, sergančių I, II, III stadijos krūties vėžiu ir gydytų KTO, analizė. Visoms pacientėms buvo taikytas kombinuotasis gydymas. Ligonių amžius mediana buvo 51 metai, stebėjimo mediana – 9,4 metų. RezultataiBendras ligonių, sergančių I stadijos krūties vėžiu, penkerių išgyvenimas 93,6 % (88,3–96,5), II stadijos – 76,4 % (69,5–81,9), o III – 64,0 % (42,2–79,4). Pasitaikė 22 lokalūs recidyvai. Atkryčio išsivystymo tikimybė siekė 8,0 % (5,2 %–12,3 %). IšvadaDarbo rezultatai leidžia teigti, kad KTO įdiegus VUOI, atkryčių nepadaugėjo, o bendrieji išgyvenimo rezultatai buvo panašūs į tarptautinių randomizuotų klinikinių studijų rezultatus. Reikšminiai žodžiai: krūties vėžys, krūtį tausojančios operacijos, gydymo rezultatai. Breast preserving surgery and results of combined treatment Valerijus Ostapenko1, Saulius Bružas1, Algimantas Mudėnas1, Jonas Sabonis1, Algirdas Jackevičius1, Juozas Kurtinaitis1, Anatolijus Ostapenko2, Narimantas Evaldas Samalavičius1, Laima Bloznelytė-Plėšnienė1 1 Institute of Oncology,Vilnius University, Santariškių Str. 1, LT-08661 Vilnius, Lithuania2 Medical Faculty Vilnaus University, Čiurlionio Str. 21, LT-03101 Vilnius, LithuaniaE-mail: [email protected] BackgroundBreast conservation therapy (BCT) is now well established as an oncologically safe treatment for primary breast cancer. BCT rates are growing in industrial countries, also in Lithuania. The aim of the study was to analyze the results of combined treatment of breast conservation therapy at the Oncology Institute of Vilnius University. Patients and methodsA retrospective analysis of 376 patients with stages I, II, III breast cancer, who underwent BCT treatment at the Oncology Institute of Vilnius University in 1999–2000, was performed. The patients’ age median was 51 years and the follow-up median 9.4 years. ResultsThe overall 5-year survival in stage I was 93.6% (88.3–96.5), stage II – 76.4% (69.5–81.9), stage III – 64.0% (42.2–79.4); 22 local recurrences were observed. The cumulative probability of local recurrence was estimated to be 8.0% (5.2–12.3%). ConclusionsThe implementation of BCT at the Oncology Institute of Vilnius University did not peaked the recurrence rates, and patients’ survival was found to be comparable to the findings of randomized clinical studies. Keywords: breast cancer, breast-preserving surgery, results of combined treatment

    Išplitusio sensibilizuoto krūties vėžio diagnostika ir gydymas

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    Laima Bloznelytė-Plėšnienė1, 2, Daiva sendiulienė1, Jurgita Liutkevičiūtė-Navickienė1, Laimutė Rutkovskienė1, Valerijus Ostapenko1, Narimantas Evaldas Samalavičius1 1 Vilniaus universiteto Onkologijos institutas, Santariškių g. 1, LT-08406 Vilnius 2 Klaipėdos universitetas, Herkaus Manto g. 84, LT-92294, Klaipėda El. paštas: [email protected] Tikslas Nustatyti sensibilizuotų navikų terapijos galimybes gydant išplitusį krūties vėžį. Ligoniai ir metodai Nuo 2001 m. 54 ligonėms išplitusiam krūties vėžiui gydyti taikyta sensibilizuotų navikų terapija (SNT). 53 ligonėms rastos dauginės metastazės. Metastazės smegenyse diagnozuotos 19 ligonių, kauluose – 29, kepenyse – 15, plaučiuose – 12, limfmazgiuose – 16, minkštuosiuose audiniuose – 13 ir odoje – 15 ligonių. Taikydami SNT į veną suleisdavome 2,5 mg/kg hematoporfirino darinio (HpD) ir jis po 24 val. selektyviai susikaupdavo navikiniame audinyje. Praėjus 24 val. po HpD suleidimo jam aktyvinti navikus apšviesdavome raudona 635 nm šviesa – tai vadinamoji fotosensibilizuotų navikų terapija (FDT), ir (arba) taikydavome radiosensibilizuotų navikų terapiją (RST) – praėjus 24, 48 bei 72 val. po HpD suleidimo naviką apšvitindavome 60Co skleidžiamais gama spinduliais 2 Gy doze. Suminė dozė – 6 Gy. RST taikėme visoms 54 ligonėms. FDT taikėme: 16 ligonių vietiškai krūtinės odoje ir poodyje išplitusiam vėžiui gydyti bei 1 ligonei metastazei akies tinklainėje gydyti. Visų odos ir poodžio navikų riboms patikslinti taikėme ir fotodinaminę diagnostiką. Praėjus 24–78 val. po HpD suleidimo, įtartinus odos plotus apšviesdavome violetine 405 nm šviesa. Navikinis audinys švytėdavo avietine spalva. Rezultatai Pritaikius SNT 54 ligonėms išplitusiam krūties vėžiui gydyti, 33 pacientėms per 7–10 dienų po RST labai pakilo Karnovskio indeksas, šešioms pacientėms visi navikai visiškai regresavo, 14 moterų visi gydyti navikai regresavo daugiau nei 50 %, ligos remisija truko ilgiau nei 6 mėn. Šešiolika ligonių navikų regresija buvo dalinė, 18 ligonių gydymas buvo neveiksmingas. SNT buvo ypač efektyvi krūties vėžio metastazėms smegenyse ir kauluose gydyti. Vienai ligonei po dviejų RST kursų visiškai išnyko visos trys metastazės galvos smegenyse. Šešioms ligonėms visos metastazės smegenyse regresavo daugiau nei 50 %, ligos remisija truko daugiau nei 6 mėnesius. Dauginių krūties vėžio metastazių smegenyse turinčių 19 ligonių vidutinis išgyvenamumas nuo metastazių smegenyse diagnozavimo buvo 12 mėnesių. Pritaikius RST 29 ligonėms dauginėms krūties vėžio metastazėms kauluose gydyti, 7 ligonėms gauta visiška visų dauginių kaulinių metastazių regresija. Ligos remisija (moterys buvo kliniškai sveikos) truko 95; 48; 21; 19; 12; 11 ir 4 mėn. nuo RST. Išvados Sensibilizuotų navikų terapija yra perspektyvus išplitusio krūties vėžio gydymo metodas. Šis metodas ypač veiksmingas gydant krūties vėžio metastazes galvos smegenyse ir kauluose. Tikslinga toliau tyrinėti šį gydymo metodą, siekiant jį modifikuoti pagal ligos išplitimą ir metastazių lokalizaciją. Reikšminiai žodžiai: išplitęs krūties vėžys, sensibilizuotų navikų terapija, hematoporfirino darinys. Sensitized treatment and diagnostics of advanced breast cancer Laima Bloznelytė-Plėšnienė1, 2, Daiva sendiulienė1, Jurgita Liutkevičiūtė-Navickienė1, Laimutė Rutkovskienė1, Valerijus Ostapenko1, Narimantas Evaldas Samalavičius1 1 Vilnius University, Institute of Oncology, Santariškių Str. 1, LT-08406 Vilnius, Lithuania 2 Klaipėda University, Herkaus Manto Str. 84, LT-92294, Klaipėda, Lithuania E-mail: [email protected] Background / objective The current methodologies used in oncology are of quite limited possibilities. Therefore, there is a constant search for the new perspective treatment methods that could prolong the life of cancer patients and improve its qualitaty. One of such methods is sensitized tumour therapy based on quite selective porphyrin accumulation in tumours. This study presents our primary results in radiosensitized advanced breast cancer therapy using hematoporphyrin derivatives as photo-and radiosensitizers. Patients and methods In 2001–2010, a total of 54 female patients with advanced breast cancer underwent radiosensitized treatment (RST). All patients had undergone chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy and surgical treatment before RST. In all cases, any radical method of treatment was impossible. Multiplex metastatic lesions were established in 53 patients. Brain multiplex metastases were diagnosed in 19 patients and multiplex bone metastases in 29 patients. Lung metastatic lesions were found in 12 patients, liver in 15 patients, lymph node metastases in 16 patients. The hematoporphyrin derivative was injected intravenously; 24, 48 and 72 hours after injection of the sensitizer, the tumorus were irradiated with gamma rays from radioactive 60Co, 2 Gy at a time (6 Gy per course). In all cases when it was possible, patients undervent also photodynamic therapy. Tumours were irradiated with red 630 nm laser light. Results As a result of RST, complete regression of all treated tumours was observed in 6 patients after two or more RST courses. A significant response – regression of more than 50% of all brain metastases and remission of the disease for over 6 months – was established in 14 patients. Partial response was observed in 16 patients with malignant brain tumours. For the rest of 18 patients the treatment was ineffective. The Karnofsky performance scale index increased immediately in 33 patients following RST treatment. RST was especially effective in the treatment of brain and bone metastatic lesions. As regards brain metastazes, in one patient all three brain metastatic lesions completely disappeared and there were no evidence of any recurrence in brain for 8 months. In 6 patients, regression of more than 50% of all brain metastases and remission of the disease for over 6 months was established. The median survival of 19 patients with multiplex brain metastases was 12 months from the moment of brain metastases detection. As regards bone metastazes, as a result of RST, all metastatic bone lesions completely disappeared in 7 patients. Conclusion Radiosensitized advanced metastatic breast cancer treatment is a hopeful method, especially when lesions involve the brain and bones. Keywords: advanced breast cancer, radiosensitized treatment, hematoporphyrin derivative

    Retrospective, multicenter analysis comparing conventional with oncoplastic breast conserving surgery: oncological and surgical outcomes in women with high-risk breast cancer from the OPBC-01/iTOP2 study

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    Introduction: Recent data suggest that margins ≥2 mm after breast-conserving surgery may improve local control in invasive breast cancer (BC). By allowing large resection volumes, oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery (OBCII; Clough level II/Tübingen 5-6) may achieve better local control than conventional breast conserving surgery (BCS; Tübingen 1-2) or oncoplastic breast conservation with low resection volumes (OBCI; Clough level I/Tübingen 3-4). Methods: Data from consecutive high-risk BC patients treated in 15 centers from the Oncoplastic Breast Consortium (OPBC) network, between January 2010 and December 2013, were retrospectively reviewed. Results: A total of 3,177 women were included, 30% of whom were treated with OBC (OBCI n = 663; OBCII n = 297). The BCS/OBCI group had significantly smaller tumors and smaller resection margins compared with OBCII (pT1: 50% vs. 37%, p = 0.002; proportion with margin <1 mm: 17% vs. 6%, p < 0.001). There were significantly more re-excisions due to R1 (“ink on tumor”) in the BCS/OBCI compared with the OBCII group (11% vs. 7%, p = 0.049). Univariate and multivariable regression analysis adjusted for tumor biology, tumor size, radiotherapy, and systemic treatment demonstrated no differences in local, regional, or distant recurrence-free or overall survival between the two groups. Conclusions: Large resection volumes in oncoplastic surgery increases the distance from cancer cells to the margin of the specimen and reduces reexcision rates significantly. With OBCII larger tumors are resected with similar local, regional and distant recurrence-free as well as overall survival rates as BCS/OBCI

    Membrane connectivity estimated by digital image analysis of HER2 immunohistochemistry is concordant with visual scoring and fluorescence in situ hybridization results: algorithm evaluation on breast cancer tissue microarrays

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is an established biomarker for management of patients with breast cancer. While conventional testing of HER2 protein expression is based on semi-quantitative visual scoring of the immunohistochemistry (IHC) result, efforts to reduce inter-observer variation and to produce continuous estimates of the IHC data are potentiated by digital image analysis technologies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>HER2 IHC was performed on the tissue microarrays (TMAs) of 195 patients with an early ductal carcinoma of the breast. Digital images of the IHC slides were obtained by Aperio ScanScope GL Slide Scanner. Membrane connectivity algorithm (HER2-CONNECT™, Visiopharm) was used for digital image analysis (DA). A pathologist evaluated the images on the screen twice (visual evaluations: VE1 and VE2). HER2 fluorescence <it>in situ </it>hybridization (FISH) was performed on the corresponding sections of the TMAs. The agreement between the IHC HER2 scores, obtained by VE1, VE2, and DA was tested for individual TMA spots and patient's maximum TMA spot values (VE1max, VE2max, DAmax). The latter were compared with the FISH data. Correlation of the continuous variable of the membrane connectivity estimate with the FISH data was tested.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The pathologist intra-observer agreement (VE1 and VE2) on HER2 IHC score was almost perfect: kappa 0.91 (by spot) and 0.88 (by patient). The agreement between visual evaluation and digital image analysis was almost perfect at the spot level (kappa 0.86 and 0.87, with VE1 and VE2 respectively) and at the patient level (kappa 0.80 and 0.86, with VE1max and VE2max, respectively). The DA was more accurate than VE in detection of FISH-positive patients by recruiting 3 or 2 additional FISH-positive patients to the IHC score 2+ category from the IHC 0/1+ category by VE1max or VE2max, respectively. The DA continuous variable of the membrane connectivity correlated with the FISH data (HER2 and CEP17 copy numbers, and HER2/CEP17 ratio).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>HER2 IHC digital image analysis based on membrane connectivity estimate was in almost perfect agreement with the visual evaluation of the pathologist and more accurate in detection of HER2 FISH-positive patients. Most immediate benefit of integrating the DA algorithm into the routine pathology HER2 testing may be obtained by alerting/reassuring pathologists of potentially misinterpreted IHC 0/1+ versus 2+ cases.</p

    Immunohistochemistry profiles of breast ductal carcinoma: factor analysis of digital image analysis data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Molecular studies of breast cancer revealed biological heterogeneity of the disease and opened new perspectives for personalized therapy. While multiple gene expression-based systems have been developed, current clinical practice is largely based upon conventional clinical and pathologic criteria. This gap may be filled by development of combined multi-IHC indices to characterize biological and clinical behaviour of the tumours. Digital image analysis (DA) with multivariate statistics of the data opens new opportunities in this field.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Tissue microarrays of 109 patients with breast ductal carcinoma were stained for a set of 10 IHC markers (ER, PR, HER2, Ki67, AR, BCL2, HIF-1α, SATB1, p53, and p16). Aperio imaging platform with the Genie, Nuclear and Membrane algorithms were used for the DA. Factor analysis of the DA data was performed in the whole group and hormone receptor (HR) positive subgroup of the patients (n = 85).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Major factor potentially reflecting aggressive disease behaviour (i-Grade) was extracted, characterized by opposite loadings of ER/PR/AR/BCL2 and Ki67/HIF-1α. The i-Grade factor scores revealed bimodal distribution and were strongly associated with higher Nottingham histological grade (G) and more aggressive intrinsic subtypes. In HR-positive tumours, the aggressiveness of the tumour was best defined by positive Ki67 and negative ER loadings. High Ki67/ER factor scores were strongly associated with the higher G and Luminal B types, but also were detected in a set of G1 and Luminal A cases, potentially indicating high risk patients in these categories. Inverse relation between HER2 and PR expression was found in the HR-positive tumours pointing at differential information conveyed by the ER and PR expression. SATB1 along with HIF-1α reflected the second major factor of variation in our patients; in the HR-positive group they were inversely associated with the HR and BCL2 expression and represented the major factor of variation. Finally, we confirmed high expression levels of p16 in Triple-negative tumours.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Factor analysis of multiple IHC biomarkers measured by automated DA is an efficient exploratory tool clarifying complex interdependencies in the breast ductal carcinoma IHC profiles and informative value of single IHC markers. Integrated IHC indices may provide additional risk stratifications for the currently used grading systems and prove to be useful in clinical outcome studies.</p> <p>Virtual Slides</p> <p>The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: <url>http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/1512077125668949</url></p